Check out our St. Patrick's Day music!
This course is designed with adult capabilities in mind. It will help adult students navigate through the process of becoming musically literate and technically proficient, with the ultimate goal of achieving the competence to play whatever music they like.
This course provides a solid foundation in reading notes, intervals, and rhythms, as well as a comprehensive understanding of scales, chords, and key signatures. With an appealing variety of musical styles and the support of online resources, students will become proficient up to an early intermediate level — and prepared for a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano!
The course is comprised of two books, divided into 10 units in each book. Each unit consists of three sections:
Through a variety of musical styles, students will learn about scales, chords, and key signatures, and how these elements are used as the building blocks of music. Combined with a solid foundation in reading notes and rhythms, the skills acquired from this course are fully transferable to many types of music and music making, and will ensure a lifetime of enjoyment at the piano.
For added enjoyment and instruction each book includes FREE access to online resources such as audio accompaniments, YouTube demonstration videos, answer keys, and more!